
BUILD a binary counter

OBJECTIVE We will build an 8-bit binary counter. This means that it will be able to count from 0 to 255, which in binary is 00000000 to 11111111. An LED that is off will represent a binary 0 and an LED that is on will represent a binary 1. Since computers count in binary, this…


Computers use binary, base 2 and therefore I think that it is very important that you understand what binary is and how to use it. If you understand and build the circuit that I describe here, it can help you to count in binary! Binary uses only two digits, 0 and 1. Each digit is…

BUILD a voltmeter

OBJECTIVE The objective of this project is a build a voltmeter that can measure voltages between 0 and 30V. I will use the analog inputs of an Arduino to measure the voltage, via a voltage divider. When an Arduino is powered from a 5V supply the maximum voltage that could be measured is 5V. However,…

BUILD a thermometer

OBJECTIVE In this project we will build a device for measuring temperature. THE HARDWARE You can use an UNO or MEGA There are a number of sensors that I could have used to make this thermometer but I chose the LM35. I chose the LM35 because of its precision. The LM35 has an output voltage…

BUILD a frequency counter

THE OBJECTIVE Our objective is to build a frequency counter that can identify frequencies up to 1MHz. pulseIn() pulseIn() reads a pulse on a pin and waits for a change from HIGH to LOW or LOW to HIGH. This works with times that are between 10μs and 180s. You can provide either two or three…

BUILD a passive infrared motion detector

OBJECTIVE We will build a passive infrared motion detector that can detect movement from distances that are between 3m and 7m. THE SCIENCE All objects that have a temperature above absolute zero (0 ° Kelvin/-273.15 ° C/-459.67 ° F) emit heat in the form of infrared radiation. The hotter the object is, the more radiation…

h-bridge motor


THE PROBLEM It is not possible to directly control a motor with an Arduino because of the low of the signal from the Arduino and because the current consumption of the motor will be too high for the Arduino. THE SOLUTION What is needed is a circuit to interface the motor and Arduino. Such a…

BUILD an ohmmeter

OBJECTIVE The objective here is to build an ohmmeter, which is a device for measuring resistance. The approach that we will use is to make a voltage divider circuit. This will consist of two different resistances. One will be fixed and the other will be the one which we wish to test. Because the two…

BUILD a traffic light

OBJECTIVE For this project we will build a single traffic light that follows the correct sequence (in the UK) of RED, RED and AMBER, GREEN, AMBER, RED. THE HARDWARE We will need a red, orange (or yellow) and green LED; 3 220Ω resistors and your Arduino. THE CIRCUIT THE CODE The first thing that we…